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Allow me to touch on a sensitive point...

In the space of 1 month I have heard of more than 20 people diagnosed with terminal illness. Where some have lived, others have not been that fortunate. Today I heard of a woman who went through mastectomy only to discover after 9 years that it has spread to her lungs & bones. WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THIS PERSON, I was asked. This is the motive behind this insert.

Last week Miles & Myself were asked to speak to the staff of a company that lost an employee unexpectedly & suddenly after over 20 years of service. The trauma of losing a loved one hits more than just the bereaved family. Staff were left bewildered and confused. There is very little we can say to those who are left behind with little or no understanding as to WHY this has happened. Sometime people don't make it though we are hopeful and then others do. I have seen God do supernatural miracles by healing a man diagnosed with bone cancer years ago and after sensing the need to sleep over at the church just laying before the Lord, went back to the doctor 2 weeks later and the results were CANCER FREE! No bone cancer detected.

So yes... GOD DOES HEAL, RESTORE & REDEEM and there is always hope where you need to allow your FAITH to be built up through the finished work of Christ Jesus.

We touched on the effects of physical cancer on a family. Trauma is very real and much support is needed for all members of the family. When a loved one leaves you hold onto EVERY memory and sometimes the pain can be overwhelming. To me it is a time of reflection in our own lives... LIFE IS SHORT. We have one journey, then we go. often the SPIRITUAL CANCER eating away at our soul area (Mind, Emotions, Heart) is more real than the physical cancer!!

Often we are addressing the Physical cancer which is a need but neglect the spiritual "cancerous" growths that cause us to feel anxious, fearful, hurt, bitter, numb. People who die with their spirits liberated are free to transcend into a painless life and to enjoy the presence of a loving Father. But if that soul died perplexed and torn then it is our fault for not helping each other to address the issues that keep our souls in bondage. I elaborated on how my journey of healing physically was parallel to the internal healing in my own life, marriage life and family life. Many people are walking around with WOUNDED souls which remain invisible to the naked eye unlike a BALD HEAD ... you cannot see their inner man breaking apart. They go to work with bitterness in their hearts towards colleagues, towards LIFE, towards their spouse and it has made them so BITTER that everything they touch feels bitter to those around them without the person realizing it. We NEED TO DEAL WITH THOSE HEART ISSUES!! The core ROOT being UNFORGIVENESS. When we choose to forgive, release and bless people in our lives we become liberated to enjoy the FULLNESS of life up until the very end. Who knows when our time is up???

Rather choose to live it FREE from hurt, pain , anger . It is possible to recover from illness, death of a loved one and many other physical traumas but the hardest thing to overcome is FORGIVING OTHERS and letting go so that God can touch those wounded areas and use you as a vessel of HOPE even in your darkest trials. JUST ONE HUG OR SMILE OR EVEN YOUR TESTIMONY could transform a life!!! I was forced to deal with all my emotional trauma's whilst bed-ridden. I came out of the cocoon HEALED, DELIVERED, REJOICING !! I can look into the eyes of those that hurt me WITHOUT the hurt and pain pushing up in my womb and THAT IS BEING CANCER FREE!!

For those whose loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, here is a little tool you can use going forward:


1. Assurance - They need to know that they have your support no matter how long or how far the process goes.

2. Offer your services no matter how small. Even just a ride to the beach can be very fulfilling.

3. Offer prayer support and speak to intercessors you trust who will stand in agreement with you for the person. I cannot state more clearly that there is POWER IN UNITY. 2 sends 10 000 to flight!!! (Deuteronomy 32:30)

4. Support the family and find out if there is any need among them. perhaps the dad needs to spend more time with mom so you can help by fetching the kids from school.

5. Offer to cook them a meal at least 1 night per week (if need be).

6. Find out if the person has some one to go with them to hospital. Many sit alone and find themselves thinking of the process over and over. Good company does help.

7. Help the person to find out what God is instructing them to do in this time. Do this prayerfully.

8. LISTEN. Without talking or judging or giving advice. This helps them feel more free to talk about the process.

9. Keep reminding them how beautiful they are! (Handsome if a male)

10. TOUCH. Hold their hand. Hug them, Cry with them if need be. Show them they are not alone.

And DONT STOP praying day & night for their physical healing taking authority over every tumorous growth, mass or deformity in the genetic makeup (Brc 1 & 2) for spiritual healing, emotional healing and mental healing.


You can get in touch with me via whatsapp just inbox me privately should you wish to talk. Im here for you!

Bless you!

Melissa Titus.


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